Your Ideal Accommodation in Clarens

Welcome To Twogether Self-Catering Accommodation


Twogether offers comfortable accommodation in two charming self-catering units situated in the small town of Clarens, conveniently located within close proximity to Clarens town square.

Each unit comprises an open-plan living room, a bathroom with a shower, and a kitchen equipped with a microwave, a two-plate stove with oven, a mini bar fridge, a kettle and toaster, and cutlery and crockery. Each unit also features a private patio with an iron table and chairs and an umbrella.

Each unit is equipped with tea- and coffee-making facilities, fresh towels, bathroom amenities, ear plugs, wall panel heaters, electric blankets, hairdryers, and two-point plugs.

Small, well behaved and well-trained dogs are allowed by prior arrangement.

There are no TV's in the units, and smoking is only permitted outside the units on the patio where ashtrays are provided.

Nearby activities include horse riding, fishing, bird watching, wine tasting, cycling, game drives, game viewing, guided walks and mountain biking.


Unit 1 

Unit 1 comprises a bedroom with a double bed, a bathroom with a toilet, basin and shower, an open-plan living room, and a kitchen equipped with a microwave, a 2-plate stove with oven, a microwave, a kettle and toaster, and cutlery and crockery.

The unit features a private patio with an iron table and chairs, and an umbrella.

The unit is also equipped with tea- and coffee-making facilities, fresh towels, bathroom amenities, ear plugs, wall-panel heaters, electric blankets, hairdryers, and 2-point plugs.

There is no TV in the unit, and smoking is only allowed on the patio where an ashtray is provided.


Unit 2

Unit 2 comprises a bedroom with twin beds which can be pushed together to make a king-size bed, a bathroom with a toilet, basin and shower, an open-plan living room, and a kitchen equipped with a microwave, a 2-plate stove with oven, a microwave, a kettle and toaster, and cutlery and crockery.

The unit features a private patio with an iron table and chairs, and an umbrella.

The unit is also equipped with tea- and coffee-making facilities, fresh towels, bathroom amenities, ear plugs, wall-panel heaters, electric blankets, hairdryers, and 2-point plugs.

There is no TV in the unit, and smoking is only allowed on the patio where an ashtray is provided.